Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas History: Can you pass?

Each year it seems like Christmas starts a little sooner and people rush a little faster.  We say we are "celebrating" Christmas.  However, I think each year we do a little less celebrating and a lot more enduring.  By now, chances are pretty good you have said, "Lord, just help me make it through the holidays".  Maybe you are like me.  Maybe you long for the traditions of Christmas.  Don't get me wrong.  At my house we celebrate the birth of Christ on Christmas.  But, I'm talking about the American traditions of Christmas.  The childhood memories of family and friends and events that made Christmas special.  I want to keep those memories alive and I would guess you do too.  So, how good is your Christmas history?  Can you pass along those traditions to your kids and grandkids or will they need to do a Google search to learn about them.  Below is a quick knowledge check.  See how you do.

1.  In 1897, Francis Church wrote an editorial in response to a letter from an 8-year old girl.  Who was that little girl and what Christmas traditions came from that response?

2.  Rudolph, the ninth reindeer, was originally a poem written by an employee of this company and handed out free to it's customers.

3.  "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" is the 2nd best selling Christmas song of all time.  What is the best selling?

4.  We are familiar with the tradition of kissing under the mistletoe, but when would a young man lose the priviledge of a kiss from a young lady?

5.  The modern depiction of Santa as a jolly fat man in a red suit was inspired by the advertisements of what company?

6.  Where does the tradition of "decking the halls" with boughs of holly come from?

7.  In the movie, "It's a Wonderful Life", what book is Clarence the angel reading at the beginning?

8.  What is the name of the rabbit in Frosty the Snowman's Magic Hat?

9. What traditional Christmas song does the Peanuts gang sing at the end of, "A Charlie Brown Christmas"?

10.  In the movie, "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer", Rudolph's Father was which well-know reindeer?


1.  Yes, Virginia.  There is a Santa Claus.  After Virginia's death, friends made her story into a book and an emmy winning televsion show.  It is still referenced today to remind that Christmas is a matter of the heart and of things unseen.

2.  Montgomery Ward Department Store

3.  "White Christmas"

4.  In it's original form, this tradition meant that one of the white berries was picked from the mistletoe after each kiss.  When the berries were gone, so was the priviledge of stealing a kiss.

5.  Coca-Cola

6.  An old superstition that bringing in greenery and holly, etc. during the cold winter months would mean that it would grow back more plentiful in the spring.

7.  "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer"

8.   Hocus Pocus

9.  "Hark the Herald Angels Sing"

10.  Donner

These are just a few of the many memories and facts that help shape a traditional Christmas for me.  How about you?  What makes it special for you?  What will you do to pass it on?  Maybe the greatest tradition we can pass along is to simply slow down a little more, want a little less and make some Christmas memories of your very own.  God bless us everyone.

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